Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Flume Architecture

Flume’s architecture is simple, robust, and flexible. The main abstraction in Flume is a stream-oriented data flow. A data flow describes the way a single stream of data is transferred and processed from its point of generation to its eventual destination.Data flows are composed of logical nodes that can transform or aggregate the events they receive.Controlling all this is the Flume Master.
Flume that collects log data from a set of application servers. The deployment consists of a number of logical nodes, arranged into three tiers. The first tier is the agent tier. Agent nodes are typically installed on the machines that generate the logs and are your data’s initial point of contact with Flume. They forward data to the next tier of collector nodes, which aggregate the separate data flows and forward them to the final storage tier.

For example, the agents could be machines listening for syslog data or monitoring the logs of a service such as a web server or the Hadoop JobTracker. The agents produce streams of data that are sent to the collectors; the collectors then aggregate the streams into larger streams which can be written efficiently to a storage tier such as HDFS.
Logical nodes are a very flexible abstraction. Every logical node has just two components - a source and a sink. The source tells a logical node where to collect data, and the sink tells it where to send the data. The only difference between two logical nodes is how the source and sink are configured.

Logical and Physical Nodes
One physical node per machine. Physical nodes act as containers for logical nodes, which are wired together to form data flows. Each physical node can play host to many logical nodes, and takes care of arbitrating the assignment of machine resources between them. So, although the agents and the collectors in the preceding example are logically separate processes, they could be running on the same physical node. Flume gives users the flexibility to specify where the computation and data transfer are done.
Flume is designed with four key goals
Reliability, the ability to continue delivering events in the face of failures without losing data.Flume can guarantee that all data received by an agent node will eventually make it to the collector at the end of its flow as long as the agent node keeps running. That is, data can be reliably delivered to its eventual destination.There are three supported reliability levels:
1)End-to-end :-reliability level guarantees that once Flume accepts an event.The first thing the agent does in this setting is write the event to disk in a 'write-ahead log' (WAL) so that, if the agent crashes and restarts, knowledge of the event is not lost.After the event has successfully made its way to the end of its flow, an acknowledgment is sent back to the originating agent so that it knows it no longer needs to store the event on disk.
2)Store on failure  :-reliability level causes nodes to only require an acknowledgement from the node one hop downstream. If the sending node detects a failure, it will store data on its local disk until the downstream node is repaired, or an alternate downstream destination can be selected. While this is effective, data can be lost if a compound or silent failure occurs.
3)Best effort :-reliability level sends data to the next hop with no attempts to confirm or retry delivery. If nodes fail, any data that they were in the process of transmitting or receiving can be lost. This is the weakest reliability level, but also the most lightweight.

Scalability :-Scalability is the ability to increase system performance linearly - or better - by adding more resources to the system.When load increases, it is simple to add more resources to the system in the form of more machines to handle the increased load.

Manageability :-Manageability is the ability to control data flows, monitor nodes, modify settings, and control outputs of a large system.The Flume Master is the point where global state such as the data flows can be managed. Via the Flume Master, users can monitor flows and reconfigure them on the fly. The Flume Master has the information required to automatically respond to system changes such as load imbalances, partial failures, or newly provisioned hardware.

Extensibility :-Extensibility is the ability to add new functionality to a system. For example, you can extend Flume by adding connectors to existing storage layers or data platforms. Some general sources include files from the file system, syslog and syslog-ng emulation, or the standard output of a process.

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