Wednesday, March 27, 2013


A data flow language and execution environment for exploring very large datasets.Pig runs on HDFS and MapReduce clusters.
Pig has two execution types or modes: local mode and MapReduce mode.

Local Mode: To run the scripts in local mode, no Hadoop or HDFS installation is required. All files are installed and run from your local host and file system.
Mapreduce Mode: To run the scripts in mapreduce mode, you need access to a Hadoop cluster and HDFS installation.

Local mode
In local mode, Pig runs in a single JVM and accesses the local filesystem. This mode is suitable only for small datasets and when trying out Pig. The execution type is set using the -x or -exectype option. To run in local mode, set the option to local: % pig -x local

MapReduce mode
To run the scripts in MapReduce mode

Running the Pig Scripts in Local Mode
To run the Pig scripts in local mode, do the following:
1. Move to the pigtmp directory.
2. Execute the following command using script1-local.pig (or script2-local.pig).
$ pig -x local script1-local.pig
The output may contain a few Hadoop warnings which can be ignored:
3. A directory named script1-local-results.txt (or script2-local-results.txt) is created. This directory contains the results file, part-r-0000.

Running the Pig Scripts in Mapreduce Mode
To run the Pig scripts in mapreduce mode, do the following:
1. Move to the pigtmp directory.
2. Copy the excite.log.bz2 file from the pigtmp directory to the HDFS directory.
$ hadoop fs –copyFromLocal excite.log.bz2 .

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