Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Flume Commands

$ flume dump console

Reading from a text file, text
$ flume dump 'text("/etc/services")'

Tailing a file name
$ flume dump 'tail("testfile")'

create and write data to the file:
$ echo Hello world! >> testfile

delete the file
$ rm testfile

multiple files by file name
$ flume dump 'multitail("test1", "test2")'

send it data coming from the two different files
$ echo Hello world test1! >> test1
$ echo Hello world test2! >> test2

Newlines are excluded from the events.
tail("file", delim="\n\n+", delimMode="exclude")

appends the delimiter to the previous event
tail("file", delim="</a>", delimMode="prev")

dump in a log file that starts with four digits (like a year from a date stamp)
tail("file", delim="\\n\\d\\d\\d\\d", delimMode="next")

start a traditional syslog-like UDP server listening on port 5140
$ flume dump 'syslogUdp(5140)'
$ flume dump 'syslogTcp(5140)'

Flume Event
console ,text("filename") ,tail("filename"),multitail("file1"[, "file2"[, …]]),asciisynth(msg_count,msg_size),syslogUdp(port),syslogTcp(port)

1 comment:

  1. I get Flume:Commands not found error , can you please help why ....?
