Monday, March 25, 2013


Sqoop is a tool for efficiently moving data between relational databases and HDFS.
Sqoop provides a method to import or export data from tables in a relational database into HDFS and viseversa.Populate database tables from files in HDFS.It is an open source tool written at Cloudera.

Sqoop (SQL-to-Hadoop) is a straightforward command-line tool with the following capabilities:
  • Imports individual tables or entire databases to files in HDFS
  • Generates Java classes to allow you to interact with your imported data
  • Provides the ability to import from SQL databases straight into your Hive data warehouse
After setting up an import job in Sqoop, you can get started working with SQL database-backed data from your Hadoop MapReduce cluster in minutes.

Importing this table into HDFS could be done with the command:
you@db$ sqoop --connect jdbc:mysql:// --table USERS \--local --hive-import

This would connect to the MySQL database on this server and import the USERS table into HDFS. The –-local option instructs Sqoop to take advantage of a local MySQL connection which performs very well. The –-hive-import option means that after reading the data into HDFS, Sqoop will connect to the Hive metastore, create a table named USERS with the same columns and types (translated into their closest analogues in Hive), and load the data into the Hive warehouse directory on HDFS (instead of a subdirectory of your HDFS home directory).

store the data in SequenceFiles
you@db@ sqoop --connect jdbc:mysql:// --table USERS \--as-sequencefile

Imports tables from an RDBMS into HDFS
– Just one table
– All tables in a database
– Just portions of a table
– It supports a WHERE clause

Sqoop: Importing To Hive Tables
The Sqoop option --hive-import will automatically create a Hive table from the imported data
– Imports the data
– Generates the Hive CREATE TABLE statement
– Runs the statement
– Note: This will move the imported table into Hive’s warehouse directory

Imports data to HDFS as delimited text files or SequenceFiles, default is a comma-delimited text file.
Sqoop can take data from HDFS and insert it into an alreadyexisting table in an RDBMS with the command
sqoop export [options]

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