Monday, March 18, 2013

What is HBase?

HBase is a database: the Hadoop database.It is indexed by rowkey, column key, and timestamp.HBase stores structured and semistructured data naturally so you can load it with tweets and parsed log files and a catalog of all your products right along with their customer reviews. It can store unstructured
data too, as long as it’s not too large.

HBase is designed to run on a cluster of computers instead of a single computer.The cluster can be built using commodity hardware; HBase scales horizontally as you add more machines to the cluster. Each node in the cluster provides a bit of storage, a bit of cache, and a bit of computation as well. This makes HBase incredibly flexible and forgiving. No node is unique, so if one of those machines breaks down, you simply replace it with another. This adds up to a powerful, scalable approach to data that,until now, hasn’t been commonly available to mere mortals.

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